scholarship information:Each year, MWWA presents scholarships to undergraduate students of higher learning. There are two separate scholarship programs. The James J. Matera Scholarship is open to MWWA Members and their Children/Grandchildren. The award will be presented to recipient(s) at the Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet. The Matera Scholarship Application can be downloaded here. Deadline: September 1st of each year. The Patrick S. O'Neale, P.E. Engineering Scholarship Award is open to students pursuing civil or environmental engineering who are attending a 4-year college or university, with preference given to those candidates whose programs of study are related to water works practice. The O'Neale Scholarship Application can be downloaded here. Deadline: June 1st of each year. If you wish to make a donation to this fund, please click here. Visit our partner in this Scholarship Tata & Howard's website to learn more about Patrick: Patrick S. O'Neale, P.E. Scholarship - Tata & Howard |