2024, 2-14-24 Distribution, Middleborough
Middleborough Town Hall 10 Nickerson Ave., Middleborough, Massachusetts 02346 United States
Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 8:30 AM to Wednesday, May 08, 2024, 12:00 PM EDT
Category: Distribution Courses
**In-person Course**
Concepts and Practices of Drinking Water DistributionFor Grades D2, D3 & D4Wednesdays, February 14 – May 8, 20248:30AM - 12:00PMThis is a 12-week state-approved course that is being taught live in-person. The course is designed to cover the concepts of drinking water distribution . Taking and passing this course is a prerequisite for taking the Massachusetts Grades D2, D3 and D4 Drinking Water Licensing Exam(s). Participants will meet for 3 ½ hours each week and learn information important to a distribution operator including: hydrology, source waters, basic math and chemistry, regulations, water sampling, hydraulics, distribution system components (pipes, valves, pumps, tanks, and meters), equipment operation and maintenance, safety and administrative duties. (Note: basic math knowledge is required for this course. Individuals not comfortable with math concepts should consider taking a math course before taking this course.) Upon successful completion of this course a “Certificate of Completion” will be issued along with a Certificate for up to 37 Training Contact Hours (TCH). Successful completion requires achieving a final score of 70 points through a combination of attendance (must attend minimum of 10 classes), homework, midterm exam and final exam. (Note: Certificates will only be issued when full payment has been received) Starting Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 Time: 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM Location: Middleborough Town Hall (Selectboard Rm) Instructor: Bob Prophett TCHs: 37 Cost: $900
(not including textbook = $100)
Download the flyerRegister to Course: 2/14/24 Distribution, MiddleboroughCOVID Protocols: Participation in this course constitutes an agreement to follow any COVID protocols that may be in place during this training. Phone numbers for each attendee will be required for contract tracing. Note that COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease that comes with the risk of severe illness and death, and there is always the inherent risk of exposure when in public spaces. Full information on COVID-19, can be found on the Centers for Disease Control’s website. Participants in this training assume all risks related to the exposure to COVID-19. Photograph/Video Release Agreement: |