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2024, 11-8-24 Review Advanced Treatment (PM), Zoom (T3, T4)
Friday, November 08, 2024, 7:30 AM - 11:00 AM EST
Category: Treatment Courses

Review of Advanced Water Treatment


For Grades T3 & T4

This 4-week course will present the topics necessary to help prepare individuals for the Grade 3 and 4 Water Treatment exams.  This will be done through a series of classroom instruction, weekly homework assignments and a 25-question practice exam on the final week of the course.  It will include an in-depth discussion on treatment processes & troubleshooting, water chemistry, water sampling and analysis, and administrative duties.  Time will also be spent solving complex math problems involving an understanding of algebra, calculations of chemical dilutions & dosing, filter/backwash rates, horsepower, and financial planning.  Students will receive a student binder that will contain the instructional PowerPoints as well as weekly homework assignments.  There is no required textbook for this course, but it is strongly recommended that students have access to a reference textbook such as the Sacramento State, “Water Treatment Plant Operations” (Vol. I & II, 7th Edition) or the AWWA “Water System Operations (WSO) Water Treatment” (Grades 3 & 4).

[Note:  This course is not the 11-week “Advanced Water Treatment” prerequisite course that is required by the MA Board of Certification prior to taking the T3/T4 exam(s)]. 


Starting Date:  Friday,  November 8, 2024

Time:  7:30 – 11:00 AM

Location:  Remote Online with Zoom

Instructor: Daniel Laprade, P.E.

TCHs 12

Cost: $350 for MWWA Members / $425 for Non-Members

(not including the course material shipping fee = $20)  

  • This remote online course has been approved by the Mass. Board of Certification of Drinking Water Operators.
  • All participants must have access to a computer with a camera and microphone throughout the entire class.  (Computers without audio can connect to the audio via a telephone).  

  • An optional Zoom practice session will be held on Monday,  November 4th at 7:30 AM for anyone not familiar with Zoom. Instructions for attending the Zoom practice session will be sent to all students 1 week prior to the start of the course

You will receive a confirmation email approximately one week before the course to confirm your registration and give you log in instructions for the class. 

Download the Flyer

Register Now

If you need registration assistance, please email [email protected] or call 978-263-1388.

Photograph/Video Release Agreement:
Participation in this course constitutes an agreement by the attendee to allow the Massachusetts Water Works Association (MWWA) to use and distribute the participant’s image in any MWWA-related publication or social media site.